The ultimate dashboard for web3 natives

Have you found yourself regretting because you forgot to mint a certain collection? Don't fret, this notion dashboard solves this problem, with additional features that will help you in your nft journey

A Sneak Peek at the Ultimate Dashboard That Boosts Your WEB3 Experience

With this dashboard, chances of you forgetting a mint will drop up to 99.99%

Set up in 5 minutes or less.

Notion Helps You to Have More Thoughtful and Meaningful Work!

I believe Notion empowers people to live and work in a more thoughtful, meaningful way. Notion offers a robust database with advanced filter, sort, and search features, allowing users to organize and track large amounts of data over time without incurring any recurring costs.

Check out my template collections!

Pick, buy, duplicate to your Notion page, and it's done! As easy as that.

my nft tracker light mode notion template

All-in-one system to manage your entire nft journey. Available in light-mode

my nft tracker dark mode notion template

All-in-one system to manage your entire nft journey. Available in dark-mode

my nft tracker light and dark bundle

All-in-one system to manage your entire nft journey. Available in both dark and light themes

Phantom Network Themed Template?

As a member of PXN Community, I want to give value and show to the people how good and aesthetic PXN Artwork is. And by that, this is my way to show it. Phantom Network Themed Templates are available both in dark and light modes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a template in mind that you want me to build for you?

Let me know if there are any specific type of Notion Template use cases you'd like to see a page for.


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Disclaimer: These products are not affiliated with Notion.

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